Skanky Beards 'R' Us!

It's a mission. Quest. Thing.

Set up on 14th June 2002 - You are person number 12199 to think beards are skanky
Last updated: Wednesday 17th July

Ok, my name is Cassie, and I have a quest.

It's not much of a quest, but it's a quest none-the-less.

You know and fancy people like Ewan McGregor, Tobey Maguire, etc.

But then, *shock, horror* you see a picture of them with a really skanky beard!!

I have decided to find all the pictures I can of famous, usually attractive men, with really skanky beards.

To view my guestbook, please click HERE
To sign it, go down the page...

My other website: Casswise

(See right - an example. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING, SEAN ASTIN???!!?!?!?)

Email me with your skankily bearded pictures!


Where are
you from:

To view my guestbook, please click HERE

This is just a bit of fun. If there's a problem with me using any picture, tell me.